When work doesn't stick

Author: Marek Giza Category: Blog

In my many years as a floor covering installer, I have often encountered the theory that with any carpet adhesive, we can install any carpet. Unfortunately, this is incorrect thinking.

There is no one type of carpet. Materials differ from each other - backing, texture, properties, etc. First of all, we divide carpets into elastic and carpeted ones, and the latter have many types of backings, such as jute, felt, bitumen, where appropriate adhesives have to be used, as in the case of carpet tiles, which are fixed with a non-slip liquid that allows easy replacement of soiled elements. The same liquid, on the other hand, is of no use to us with jute underlay, as it is a mesh underlay and we will not fix it firmly to the substrate. In the case of jute, it is necessary to use an adhesive of a different density, which is spread with a B2 trowel.

For PVC carpets, we use different adhesives than for carpets because they have different evaporation and adhesion parameters, and we spread it with an A1 trowel, which will avoid deformation on the carpet and give us a smooth surface effect.

Choosing the right adhesive is not easy. It is not enough to take the first better product and stick the carpet on it, so it is advisable to use the help of experienced sales staff, who will give the necessary advice on choosing the right chemistry.

Marek Giza

Marek Giza

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