Combining different carpet structures in tiles

Author: Agata Woźniak Category: Blog

Carpet in tiles does not have to be boring. There are several types of tile carpet structures on the carpet market: loop, velour, saxon, frise. These generally come in squares or rectangles. But you can also find other irregular shapes such as trapezoid, hexagon, rhombus, diamond, dart and others to create interesting patterns. They can be laid separately to mark different spaces in the room. But what about combining them in a single space? Does this even make sense?

Well, they can be combined in a single space to create a unique, individual 3D pattern. Anyone who wants to give an interior a unique look can combine not only the structures, colours but also the shapes of the tiles in an irregular way. The result? It can surpass even the wildest expectations.

However, in order to get the best effect from this type of tile, it is best to lay them in an open, well-lit area, in rooms where there will not be too much furniture. They are perfect for lobbies, staterooms, conference rooms and offices.  Irregular tiles with different textures look good both laid loose and wall-to-wall. Only people's imagination seems to be the limit here.

Agata Woźniak

Agata Woźniak

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