Carpets for companies and institutions. Part 2/3 - Needle Carpet

Author: Jarosław Michalak Category: Blog

A large open room, several hundred metres in length, in which sometimes around 100 people work, often in shifts. The floor is covered with worn and stained carpeting. This is the view often seen by the technical advisor called in by the user, who wants to improve the look of the floor and make sure it will not look the same after a year of use. How can this be done?

Seemingly stiff and expressionless. Somehow rough, cold and different from the rest. These are usually the first impressions customers have of a needle carpet. And then the task for the experienced adviser emerges - to show the advantages of a needle carpet. Because this is exactly the product for the room described above. It is the only product I have sold for 10 years for which there have been no complaints on the grounds that the product did not meet the customer's expectations.  It is my personal conviction, based on experience, that it can cope with any extreme office traffic. Due to its almost homogeneous structure, it retains its appearance even when wiped off.
It happened that I had to go to great lengths to convince an administrator of a large international company (travel agency) to use it - the lady rejected it because of its appearance, and I kept coming back to her. She was later very happy with the carpet.
What's more, this carpet allows you to create any pattern you can think of (thanks to its unique structure). The compact structure of the carpet ensures that dirt cannot penetrate deep into the carpet - which makes cleaning much easier. Of course, like all carpets, needle-punched carpets require periodic maintenance.
It is also worth paying attention to whether the carpet is homogeneous throughout its entire cross-section - this ensures that it is dimensionally stable and that we can enjoy all its benefits.
It is also a product that is often chosen by experienced administrators of large companies, because they know that they will have "peace of mind" with their floors. e.g. in the main prestigious headquarters of a well-known advertising company, Among my clients are large network companies that hardly use any other type of flooring.

Jarosław Michalak

Jarosław Michalak

W Coniveo pracuję od 2003 roku. Obecnie jestem dyrektorem działu techniczno-handlowego. Na co dzień uważnie słucham naszych klientów i doradzam im najkorzystniejsze rozwiązania. Odpowiadam za koordynację prac firmy - działu handlowego i zespołów instalatorskich. Zobacz wszystkie wpisy
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