Carpeting for PLN 1,500 per m2

Author: Tomasz Urbański Category: Blog

I was at Daha airport in the Qatari capital recently and saw a bottle of whisky on display in a shop for US$15,000. Such things are memorable. Today, reflecting on this, I think to myself that there are bound to be people who buy this beverage at such a price. Probably a lot of people will wonder about the motivation of people who spend that kind of money on a beverage that is not much different from those quite a lot cheaper. However, I think there are few people who would not want to taste such a beverage.

Luxury products will always have their place in the market. They are immune to economic prosperity. They were, are and will continue to be desired by a certain group of consumers. Snobbery, whimsy or a genuine need? Probably a bit of everything. What puzzles me is the quality of luxury products, i.e. durability, aesthetics or functionality. Is a product 20 times more expensive 20 times better? Let me use the example of the German premium carpet manufacturer Vorwerk. A good carpet for an office, or even a home, costs 80-100 PLN per 1 m2. The average cost of a Vorwerk carpet is around 250 PLN per 1 m2. Does this mean that it is 3 times better? If I said that in all parameters, I would be exaggerating. However, in terms of durability or other performance parameters, it is a product that outperforms products from the lower class by around 30 to 40 per cent. As it is not a mass product, the cost of these added values is much higher, but at the same time unavailable to other products. In addition, there are values such as unique design and prestige derived from the brand. Therefore, I believe that these values, as well as the need to be unique, mean that there will always be people willing to pay PLN 1,500 for 1 m2 of carpet.

Tomasz Urbański

Tomasz Urbański

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