Carpet tiles - truths and myths

Author: Jarosław Michalak Category: Blog

Carpet tiles, are one of the best products for floors. It is distinguished by its very high durability, sound absorption and the possibility of creating intricate patterns, which is not possible with roll carpets.

The tiles come in squares. Most manufacturers use the 50x50 cm size, but we can also find 60x60 cm sizes on the market.
The installation system itself is worth mentioning. We can install them without glue or with an anti-slip liquid (a form of glue). In both cases, the tiles can be dismantled and reassembled at any time, e.g. due to soiling of one section.
It is not true that the use of such a carpet involves fraying joints. The joins are more durable than those of a roll carpet and this is due to the construction of the tile. The fibres are embedded in compressed glass fibre reinforced PVC or bituminous compound, which prevents damage to the pile.
The only disadvantage is the high purchase cost, but this translates into a much longer service life. So the investment will definitely pay off.

Jarosław Michalak

Jarosław Michalak

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