Carpet approvals - standard or fad?

Author: Jarosław Michalak Category: Blog

Carpets are not the same as other carpets - especially when comparing products for the home and for public facilities, i.e. offices, schools, kindergartens, healthcare facilities, offices of all kinds. While there are no legal requirements for carpets for our homes, the situation is completely different in public facilities. Approvals for carpets are the bare minimum, and the flame-retardant certificate is one of the most important, in addition to the anti-electrostatic and hygienic certificates.

Facility flooring is designed so that, in the event of a fire, it will not support the fire and, most importantly, it will not burn itself and thus pose a danger to people working in the buildings. The factories producing such materials are required to carry out a number of tests and obtain written approval from authorised bodies.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the approval is only valid if the floor covering is permanently fixed to the subfloor. This means that the carpet must be glued over the entire surface.

Remember, using a carpet without the relevant documents in public buildings is breaking the law and posing a danger to people working there.

It costs us nothing to ask before we buy.

Jarosław Michalak

Jarosław Michalak

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